Several of my gifts came because of a tradition that was started when I was little and continues to this day. When I was growing up mom, my sister and I would spend a day baking cookies and candies and then deliver the treats to friends and family. Sometime around Christmas, even though we all can’t be together to bake, I still spend a day or two in the kitchen making tons of goodies for neighbors and friends. This year on Day 363 I took cookies to a neighbor and then yesterday on Day 364 I took cookies to several friends, the post office and a nonprofit I support. Gift #1.
I love the public library but my books to tend to always be overdue. I finally finished, Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow and needed to return it. It was only about 10 days overdue! I enjoyed the book though there was too much play by play of his college football games and the book got a little boring for me. I am intrigued of how the media has treated Tim Tebow over the past year. We have a guy who has, from what I can tell, done nothing but good things in his college and NFL career yet the media makes him out to be some terrible person just because he boldly talks about his Christian faith. Call me crazy, but I am not for sure what’s wrong with a guy who does a lot of charity work, goes on mission’s trips to help with an orphanage in the Philippines and is a role model for the upcoming generation, regardless of his faith these are all positive things that children of today don’t see much of. You would think positive is positive and let us encourage him to continue to do good deeds. Okay enough of my soapbox! I got a little sidetracked; while I was at the library I donated used books and magazines. Gift #3.
Finally I dropped off a car load of unwanted items at Goodwill. As a professional organizer, now is a good time to make a commitment to simplify the material things in your life. Go through your home and keep only those things you love and you use on a regular basis. The other things are physical and mental clutter which causes stress. This donation was Gift #4. I want to wish everyone a safe and blessed New Year’s Eve. Have a fun New Year Eve but please don’t drink and drive!